20% Discount on Airbnb prices
If you are a returning guest and want to book directly please take 20% discount from the airbnb price you find here: http://www.airbnb.com/h/senec You can also check the calendar on airbnb.
Please contact me via WhatsApp (WhatsApp chat here) to make an enquiry or booking.
WC LED Light Show !
A small sensor by the WC light switch allows you to control the LED light show, can you identify the Country flags ?

New digital thermostats in every room for accurate temperature setting in the winter

100% Slovak Green Energy supply
The apartment now uses 100% green electricity from Slovak power plants from renewable energy sources (water, solar, wind & bio waste)

There are now 2 great places for breakfast in Senec:
Boka Bistro
In Senec town (15-20 minutes walk), serving good coffee, cooked breakfasts & tasty lunches (Monday-Friday set menu which changes each day). The weekly lunch menu is also on Facebook (Bokabistro). Tomaš the owner speaks great English (thats because hes having English lessons from me!). The full English breakfast features very authentic English sausages and black pudding 🙂

Raňajkáreň Senec
Open in the morning for breakfasts and great sandwiches/cakes to takeaway, its located just outside the small gate at the lake (10 minutes walk). Details on facebook (Raňajkáreň Senec). Milan (the guy with many tattoos) also does great haircuts at Barberos.sk in town, he speaks perfect English. The chef Peter Varga is a Slovak celebrity chef who used to live in Ireland so speaks perfect Irish (English).

Sauna on the Beach
There is a wood sauna available to rent (for 2.5 hours) on the beach by Lobster (3 minute walk). You can book online here: www.pixxla.sk

Bicycle Rental

There is a new bicycle rental service in 2024 with multiple pickup/drop off points around Senec. Prices work out at 50 cents per 15 minutes. You need to register and use the app. Details at arriva.bike. You need to add a minimum of €3 credit to the app to use the service. The closest pickup point is next to the train station. You can check on the app how many bicycles are available there.